Two new reports

Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach is a new report by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop. The foreword is by retired Australian navy admiral, Chris Barrie AC.  The authors use a scenario analysis approach to vividly convey the catastrophic impacts we could face by 2050 if we are slow to act on the climate emergency. The report has had more than half a million views within the first week, indicating the level of concern about the risk we face of the collapse of human civilisation.  

Leading the Public Into Emergency Mode: Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement is an update on the influential paper by Margaret Klein Salamon from Te Climate Mobilization in the United States. It was originally published in April 2016, and it introduced a new paradigm for climate action: emergency mode. Margaret argues that, in order to protect humanity and the living world, the climate movement must tell the truth about the climate emergency, and act as though that truth is real — employing emergency communications, militant tactics, and demanding an emergency mobilization from the government and all society, as the policy response. In the three years since publication, her recommendations have been largely adopted by several new climate groups — Extinction Rebellion, School Strikers, Sunrise Movement, and more — leading to tremendous breakthroughs. This 2019 update combines the theoretical discussion of emergency mode with an overview of the young but fierce Climate Emergency Movement.

  • Apeetha Arunagiri
    commented 2019-12-30 21:39:39 +1100
    Yes Jane Moreton, we need our governments to wake up and stand up. I’m in India at present and am appalled to realise that there’s even less recognition of our climate emergency here than in Australia. I can hardly wait to be back home to rejoin you.

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