Cooper Climate Election Forum

****** This event took place on 27th April 2022. You can watch the recording here ******

 Show the candidates that Cooper voters want emergency climate action in this term of government.

The election forum is a chance to put questions directly to the candidates. Sitting member, Ged Kearney from the Labor Party, Celeste Liddle from The Greens, Adrian Whitehead from the newly formed Fusion party, Kath Larkin from the Victorian Socialists and Rabin Bangaar from the Animal Justice Party will be attending. Other candidates will be invited as they become known.

The forum will be moderated by Emeritus Professor Judy Brett, resident of the Cooper electorate, political historian and author of From Secret Ballot to Democracy Sausage.

The forum is brought to you by the Darebin Climate Alliance (DCA) which gratefully acknowledges DCA member Span Community House for hosting the event. Please note that all people attending the event will need to bring proof of vaccination.


April 27, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Span Community House
64 Clyde St
Thornbury, VIC 3071
Google map and directions
Helen Chapman Ruth Liston David Urbinder Jos Tait Cath Rouse Felix Dance Judy Edwards Christine Pinniger Jane Morton Jill Dixon Jo Sanson Marion Cincotta Sue Dwyer Anne Jaques Rabin Bangaar Helen Murphy Keith Talbot Lindsay Scudder Philip Sutton Hamish Macrae Mahira Sobral Samiro Douglas Rod Williams Hannah Robert Bronwyn Johnson Cat Macleod Craig Burton Robert Hart Campbell Gome Marianne Sherry Barbara Trauer Nicola Coles Carly Robertson Arzu Yilmaz Martine Holberton Karen Large Jody Ellis Mike McEvoy Remy Pilot
Sorry, this event is sold out.


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