The earth is already too hot. It's time to declare a climate emergency. Please sign and share our petition.
And find out more about the campaign at the climate emergency declaration website.
“All of us are fully aware how wrong it is to falsely yell ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theatre. But we are also aware of how wrong it is to sit silently while a fire begins to spread…”
Richard Alley, Professor of Geosciences at Pennsylvania State University
Humans are like frogs in a saucepan of water being gradually heated to boiling. Each month brings us more frightening news on the effects of global warming, but because the changes are gradual, there’s never a clear signal that it’s time to step up to stronger action.
Let’s use the alarming spike in global temperatures during February 2016 and the bleaching of the Reef as the impetus to insist our leaders stop playing political games on climate and stand together to draw a line in the sand. Australian Parliament must declare a climate emergency. It’s the first step in mobilising government and community resources and funds that are not normally available. Declaring a state of emergency inspires the public to act for the common good.
Australians are great at pitching in to help in an emergency. In the Queensland floods of 2011, three-quarters of the council areas were declared disaster zones. Government funds were made available and a large workforce was mobilised to deal with the emergency. More than 55,000 volunteers registered to help clean up the streets of Brisbane. All over Australia kind-hearted individuals and community groups sent supplies and raised emergency funds.
This petition is a first step in a growing campaign by grassroots climate action groups to pressure our political leaders to step up and do what is needed to address the climate crisis.