Mar 2024 Dispatch

Have your Say! Climate Emergency Plan 2024- 2030

Do you have a great idea about how we, as a community, can reduce emissions? Now's your chance to have a say by commenting on the draft Darebin Council Climate Emergency Plan, open for comment until 7th April.

DCAN is excited to see the Plan offering tailored support to households on how to get off gas and go all electric (See Pillar 2, item 2.2.1). We have had lots of feedback from people saying they just don't know where to start to make the switch from gas to electric or how to go about accessing the financial supports available through various Government initiatives. Now's the chance to tell Council how welcome this advisory service would be to help residents transition to all electric homes.

Please have a read of the plan and provide your comments on the Your Say Darebin website. This is also a great opportunity to suggest important actions that may be missing. Note: you will need to register if you have not used the Your Say site before.

Let's show support for Anjali's bid to protect young people

This remarkable young leader, nineteen year old Anjali Sharma, was recently featured on ABC Australian Story. Anjali has marshalled young people, lawyers and the community to lobby Federal Parliament to change the laws around climate change. Her goal is to establish a law that would compel politicians to consider their duty of care to the health and well-being of future generations when considering coal, gas and oil projects. ACT Senator David Pocock is supporting the campaign to amend the Climate Change Act 2022 and will move to introduce a legal amendment to Parliament which will help safeguard the climate future of younger generations. Over 12,000 people have already expressed their support for this amendment. Please join us in supporting this important campaign.

Say NO to the Woollert incinerator!

DCAN is supporting the campaign to stop Cleanaway from building a massive, toxic, waste to energy incinerator in Wollert. Waste to energy technology is not a sustainable technology. By burning plastic, which is made from petroleum, this incinerator is effectively burning oil for energy and creating more greenhouse gases. DCAN also has serious concerns about the threats to neighbouring residents who will be subjected to air pollution from toxins that can cause cancer and birth defects. Tributaries of the Merri Creek in close proximity to the proposed site will also be at risk. Burning waste completely undermines prevention, reduction, reuse, repair and recycling initiatives. For more information, see this article from our friends at Climate Action Merri-Bek. Find out about upcoming information sessions and register your opposition here. Join the No Northern Incinerators for Woollert Facebook page.

Replace gas appliances with electric ones

5 million homes in Australia have gas cooking, heating or hot water appliances - 2 million of those are in Victoria! Gas appliances have a 5 to 10 year life span so, in order to achieve our net zero targets, we only have a limited time span to get all households off gas. When a gas appliance fails it needs to be replaced with an electric one. There is some great research by the Grattan Institute “Getting off Gas: why, how and who should pay?”. The Institute states that “We could get all homes off the gas network by 2050 if every household upgraded its gas appliances to electric ones at the end of the appliances’ lives.” We need to get to net zero before 2050 so planning now for the shift away from gas makes sense.

DCAN and Social Media

🌍✊ The Voice Referendum showed how powerful social media can be in shaping voting decisions. But what if we harnessed that power for positive change? Join us in a DCAN action group using social media to spread awareness about climate action and combat misinformation. If you're passionate about acting for a safe climate and ready to make a difference online, reach out to David Tomkins or Karen Large to get involved! 📢💚
#ClimateAction #SocialMediaForGood #JoinTheMovement

Electrification Masterclass a great success!

Twenty-one Darebin residents have received exclusive 1:1 consultations from dedicated home electrification experts through a joint project between DCAN and local business Energy Freedom Homes. Each participant in the masterclass was able to discuss their specific needs and challenges in detail and receive advice tailored to their situation. Topics covered included options for replacing gas heating and hot water systems, installing induction cooktops, upgrading solar systems, insulation and much more.

Feedback from participants was very positive; one of the participants, Tobias, said that the “well-prepared and personalised session with an industry expert helped with the decision-making on how to get off gas, taking the existing constraints into account."

A report on the learnings from the project will be submitted to Council and will inform the design of future projects. The project was proudly supported by a community grant from the City of Darebin.

For more information on how you can be part of the growing movement to Go Electric in your home, check out our Council's website.

Rising Tide Victoria - Short Film Screening and Q & A

In Nov 2023 thousands of Australians gathered in Newcastle to blockade coal ships at the world's biggest coal port. For 36 hours the community put their boats on the water and their bodies on the line in a festival atmosphere. The blockade made headlines across the globe. There are plans for an even bigger and better blockade in 2024.

Join Rising Tide for a short film screening and Q & A on this inspiring people's movement that is set to change the landscape of civil resistance.

Friends of the Earth (FOE) 312 Smith St Collingwood. Thursday 18th April, 6.30 - 8pm.
Nibbles will be provided.
Please book via Humantix

Music for a Warming World

Music for a Warming World is a unique eco-art fusion of music, visual imagery, science and culture performed by professional musicians who have inspired and delighted audiences around Australia. It will make you laugh and perhaps even cry. It fosters understanding of climate change, promotes preparedness, and cultivates a sense of solidarity, strength and hope within our global community. For more information: Music For A Warming World.

To be held at Manningham Uniting Church & Community Centre, 109 Wood Street, Templestowe.

Saturday 20 April 2024 at 7.30pm

Book your tickets here for this reflective, confronting, inspiring and exciting experience.

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