Oct 2023 Dispatch

International litigation on the climate emergency

Legal cases are an important way to get action on the climate emergency, and the number of international court cases is growing. Here are two examples to which DCAN is contributing:

On 27th September, before the European Court of Human Rights, six young people from Portugal took 32 countries 
to trial for failing
 to do their part to avert climate catastrophe. DCAN’s convenor, Ann Sanson, contributed to an expert report supporting the case, documenting the psychological impacts of climate change on young people. You can read more about the case on the Youth for Climate Justice website.

Another case is being brought by the Governments of Chile and Colombia, who have submitted a joint request for an Advisory Opinion from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on “The Climate Emergency and Human Rights”. Ann is contributing to an ‘amicus submission’ focusing on the impacts of climate change on children’s physical and psychological health, and their right to a healthy environment.

Support for the 'Duty of Care Bill'

Currently the Australian government has no duty of care to protect young people and future generations from climate change.

The Duty of Care Bill builds on the case of Sharma v Minister for the Environment, a legal challenge by brave Australian children who argued that all young Australians are owed a duty to take reasonable care to protect them from climate change harm.  

Although the case was initially successful, the federal government appealed the decision and it was overturned.

The lead litigant in that case, Anjali Sharma, together with Senator David Pocock have joined with Australians of all generations to support the Duty of Care Bill and to ensure that Government protects the health and well-being of children in Australia when making decisions contributing to climate change.

For more information and to sign the petition supporting the bill click here.

Shift the Power - National School Climate Strike - November 17

School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) is gearing up for a national climate strike on November 17 so please save the date. They are striking to demand that the Federal Government #ShiftThePower away from fossil fuel companies and listen to the demands of the people. SS4C are calling on the Government to stop subsidising and approving new fossil fuel projects. Keep an eye on the website for more details as they become available.






Fix the ‘water trigger’ to stop fracking

DCAN supporters have been working with Extinction Rebellion and other groups to pressure federal Labor to act on their election promise to bring fracking under the ‘water trigger’ of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act . This would allow the federal government to stop massively destructive projects like the Beetaloo Basin.

Next week Teal Independent Sophie Scamps will move amendments to the EPBC Act that will implement Labor’s election promise. Labor has the option of supporting Sophie’s motion, or moving a similar amendment. Labor is also being called upon to ensure that Traditional Owner cultural values and knowledge are properly considered in water assessments.

DCAN has requested an urgent meeting with local MP Ged Kearney. A mega-fracker is already doing exploratory work at Beetaloo, drilling through precious groundwater aquifers and potentially damaging the sacred sites of Traditional Owners. This massive carbon and methane project cannot be allowed to proceed. Production approvals are likely to be given soon and once fracking at scale is underway it will be too late. Any subsequent change to the ‘water trigger’ won’t be able to rectify the damage.

Read more about fracking in the Beetaloo Basin and messages from NT Traditional Owners in these briefing papers from our friends at Beyond Gas Network.

Heat Pump Hot Water Systems 101 Webinar - Tue, 17 October, 7.45pm – 8.30pm

Want to reduce your energy bills while looking after the environment? Join the Geelong Sustainability Group for a free information session with a Reclaim Energy expert who will unpack heat pump hot water systems, the latest products and technologies, what it costs and how much you could save on your bills. Register here to secure your spot.



DCAN AGM 7pm Thornbury - November 2

DCAN’s Annual General Meeting is a great way to hear about what we have been up to in the past year and where you can best contribute to the ongoing fight for urgent climate action. If you have been thinking about how you can step up, the AGM is a great way to find out. Come along and join our friendly crew for a chat. The meeting will be at the Bridge, 131 Shaftesbury Parade on Thursday 5th November starting at 7pm. Please contact Karen on 0425 753 266 to let us know you are coming or if you have any questions.



A message from Rising Tide about the People’s Blockade

Join the Naarm/Melbourne contingent travelling to Muloobinba (Newcastle, NSW) this November for the Rising Tide People's Blockade! Take positive action for a safe climate future in one of the largest peaceful civil disobedience protests for climate action in Australia’s history.

We're calling for thousands of people to gather and demand an immediate end to new coal projects and the end of coal exports from the world’s largest coal port by 2030. It will be a fun and family-friendly gathering, with live music and speakers and food shared by donation. Borrow one of our kayaks, or bring your own vessel – a kayak, tinny, yacht or surfboard!

Register to let us know you're coming to the Blockade and join the Naarm contingent Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest information and connect with other people travelling to the Blockade from Naarm/Melbourne/Victoria, including at a BBQ/picnic on Melbourne Cup Day (more details to be announced!). More information about transport options from Naarm/Melbourne can be found here. Keen to carpool? Fill in your details in our transport info-sharing page. If you've got any questions, we'd love to help! Please contact: [email protected].

“Climate Changers”: A Film by Tim Flannery

Acclaimed scientist Tim Flannery searches for the missing ingredient in our fight against climate change – that is leadership.
Where are the leaders who will drive change? Are they strong enough to triumph where others have failed?
Tim poses these questions as he meets leaders past and present in the hope of finding answers.
Watch a wonderful trailer about this new film here.
  • Robert Dawlings
    published this page in News 2023-10-13 16:50:36 +1100

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