Make your vote count to ensure Darebin Council continues to be a leader in climate emergency action.
Click on the ward buttons below to see the scorecards for the individual wards.
Scores and comments are based on available public information including candidates’ statements on the VEC website, social media posts, websites, responses at the candidates’ climate forum, and responses to the DCAN questionnaire. To see a candidate's full questionnaire response please click here.
Climate emergency leadership: Ticks are based on seeing climate leadership as a high council priority, past actions, and signing the Climate Emergency pledge.
Supports strong council climate action: Ticks based on seeing climate action as a high council priority, having specific ideas for climate action, and a high score on the DCAN questionnaire.
Responsive and constructive on climate: Ticks based on attending the candidates’ climate forum, returning the DCAN questionnaire, and evidence of accessibility, collaboration and consultation.
Darebin Council now has 9 wards. If you don't know which ward you are in, you can find out using the interactive map at the Victoria Electoral Commission by clicking here (or for a PDF version click here).