Warming! Declare a Climate Emergency
DCAN supporters pitched in to help gather 1,300 signatures on the Climate Emergency Declaration Petition at the Sustainable Living Festival in February.
Local MP signs up
DCAN supporters rallying outside local MP, David Feeney's office recently, were rewarded by Mr Feeney signing the petition for a climate emergency declaration. Mr Kelvin Thomson, former member for Wills who happened to be visiting Mr Feeney also signed the petition. The rally was organised by DCAN to call on the Federal Labor Party to show leadership in saying 'NO' to the Adani coal mine. This coal mine threatens to destroy our Great Barrier Reef and our future by contributing to dangerous climate change
We are pleased to have our local member on board. Now we are looking to him to campaign within the Labor Party for strong action on the climate emergency. Our thanks to DCAN supporters, Climate Action Moreland, Environment Victoria, Friends of the Earth and others who joined us in supporting this action.
Well done Darebin Council - climate emergency
At its very first meeting the new Darebin Council voted unanimously to recognise that we are in a climate emergency and need to take urgent action to respond to this challenge. This strong show of leadership by councillors builds on the hard work of DCAN supporters who lobbied candidates to sign the declaration in the run up to the election We are very pleased to see councillors put their promise into action and start the ball rolling on this most critical issue.
Many thanks to Councillor Trent McCarthy and Mayor Kim Le Cerf for putting forward the motion which was supported by all councillors present. We also welcome the announcement of a Darebin Energy Foundation and a Darebin Nature Trust. We are very much looking forward to working with Council in 2017!
Great result for the climate in council elections
Six out of nine of our new councillors support the declaration of a climate emergency. They have promised to take action at the local level and to put pressure on state and federal governments to remove barriers to action. These include our new mayor, Kim Le Cerf (Greens) and our deputy mayor, Gaetano Greco (independent), together with Susan Rennie (independent) and three other Greens - Trent McCarthy, Susanne Newton and Steph Amir. A seventh councillor, Tim Laurence also recognises we face a climate emergency and promises to take action. However, he didn't sign on to support the declaration of a climate emergency.
Amazing things should be possible with our new climate-friendly council!
It's time to declare a climate emergency
The earth is already too hot. It's time to declare a climate emergency. Please sign and share our petition.
And find out more about the campaign at the climate emergency declaration website.
Read more
Darebin Council election scorecards
DCAN worked in partnership with the Darebin Community Network to develop a score card for each ward in the local council elections. This was our Rucker ward scorecard. Click on the 'more' button to see the scorecards for Cazaly and La Trobe.
Creating a climate for change
Creating a Climate for Change presents a panel of expert speakers and Q&A followed by an interactive performance with Playback Theatre's ensemble of professional actors, musicians and MCs who will create a unique, improvised performance based on the audience's real life experiences, and perspectives.
Join us for a great evening of science, performance and robust conversation. For further details please see the flyer below.
Thursday 11th August,7pm at Northcote Town Hall.
Council election forum 2016
Once again DCAN is holding a forum to hear the candidates’ party climate policy. Please help us promote the event through your networks.
Tuesday 21st June 2016. 7.30pm to 9pm at the Northcote Town Hall Rooftop. Nibbles, tea and coffee will be offered at 7pm.
The forum will be chaired by Ms Alexandra de Blas, award winning environmental and science media communicator.
The evening will commence with a brief overview of the the latest climate science by climate policy analyst and author David Spratt, based on his latest publication Climate Reality Check - click here to download.
Home Grown Power Plan
The Homegrown Power Plan is a joint project between GetUp! and Solar Citizens. The plan shows how we can repower the country with 100% renewable energy by 2030. How? By rebooting our failing electricity system, removing the roadblocks holding us back, and investing in the renewables boom.
Read the plan and then send it to the MP for Batman, David Feeney.
Call on the Australian Parliament to declare a climate emergency
At the Paris Climate talks, activists set 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming as a red line that must not be crossed, but in February, the global temperature spiked to 1.65 degrees. Our red line has been crossed. Nothing but emergency action can preserve a liveable planet.
Call on the Australian Parliament to declare a climate emergency and initiate a massive society-wide climate action mobilisation. Sign here.